Image Resource Group

Where Inspiration and Collaboration Intersect

130 Pinnacle Point Court, Suite 101, Columbia, SC 29223
6750 North Andrews Ave., Cypress Park West, Suite 200 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309
841 Prudential Drive, 12th Floor, Jacksonville, FL 32207

About Us

Based in Columbia, SC with regional offices located in Ft. Lauderdale and Jacksonville, FL, Image Resource Group (IRG) is an environmental graphic design, project management, and fulfillment firm. Our fields of expertise include interpretive design, wayfinding, and branding. We excel at partnering with clients (primarily Healthcare), design professionals in architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, and general contractors, expanding upon their body of work to deliver holistic and dynamic environmental design solutions.
IRG has developed a central database for communication. This secure web-based system is continually updated and allows project stakeholders to access project information and documentation at any time from an internet connection without the need for special software.